
Real stories.  Real people.  No boundaries.

CHANGING MINDS PRODUCTIONS specializes in non-fiction content on science, history and arts for television, digital platforms, educators, and museums.  From a deadly forest in Poland...to the deserts of the Holy Land...the frozen frontier of Antarctica...or the Great Plains of Oklahoma, CHANGING MINDS PRODUCTIONS weaves tales of detection into compelling, thought-provoking stories.

We're honored to collaborate with global broadcasters and seek new creative partnerships.

Gary Hochman
Managing Director (North Haven, CT)

Gary Hochman is Managing Director of Changing Minds Productions.  He's an Emmy Award winning producer, director, and writer, and a two time winner of the prestigious American Association for Science Writing Award.

Gary has produced broadcast documentaries for PBS, NOVA, Discovery, and museums, specializing in history, science, and the arts.

His national and international broadcast documentaries include: Paleo Sleuths (PBS), NOVA: Secrets Beneath the Ice, NOVA: Ancient Refuge in the Holy Land, NOVA: Buried in Ash, Jungle Under Glass (PBS), and Seeking the Real Jesse James (Discovery). 

Previously, Gary was an Executive Producer for National Programs at NET Television, Nebraska's PBS network.


Steven Reich
Producer/Writer (Los Angeles, CA)

Steven Reich is an Emmy-nominated writer, director and producer.  He is Co-Executive Producer of City Walk and California Coastal Trail on KCET/Link.

His national writing and producing credits include: Wolves: A Legend Returns to Yellowstone and Emmy nominated Avalanche: The White Death, Finding the Next Earth and Emmy nominated Alien Earths for National Geographic, Valley of the T-Rex for Discovery, NOVA: Killer Subs in Pearl Harbor and NOVA: Secrets Beneath the Ice.

He is a Communications Award Finalist of the Keck Futures Initiative sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences and winner of the Chris Award and National Educational Award for the Advancement of Learning Through Broadcasting.

Reich is a member of the Television Academy of Arts and Sciences and serves on the Board of Directors of Ocean View Farms Community Garden.


Charles "Boots" Kennedye
Producer/Director (Oklahoma City, OK)

Charles “Boots” Kennedye is an Oklahoma City filmmaker and a member of the Kiowa Tribe who is committed to Indiginous storytelling.

His national productions include: Words from A Bear (Director Photography), AMERICAN MASTERS: Redemption Story (Producer), and And We Walked, the Ponca Long Walk (Photographer).  He also partnered with Rocky Mountain PBS to film and produce Urban Rez and Red Power Energy.

For Vision Maker Media, which serves Native American producers and Indian country in partnership with PBS and NPR, he produced and directed Growing Native, a four-part PBS documentary series that showcases contemporary Native American stories while celebrating their traditional pathways.

Prior to Vision Maker, Boots was a producer at Oklahoma Educational Television Authority (PBS).