Deadly Deception at Sobibor

In an investigation lasting 10 years, archeologists uncover proof of a Nazi cover-up of mass murder at a top-secret death camp called Sobibor.

What if the Nazis erased all trace of the Holocaust?  That's what they attempted at a top-secret death camp in Poland called Sobibor.

To hide the murder of 250,000 Jews, a daring revolt, and mass escape by 300 prisoners, the Nazis meticulously destroyed the camp.  Today, a forest conceals their crimes.

Now, archeologists have uncovered what the Nazis tried to wipe from history.  Unfolding as a compelling tale of detection, DEADLY DECEPTION AT SOBIBOR takes viewers behind-the-scenes of the crime scene as an unprecedented 10-year investigation takes place.

Using live-action scenes, interviews, and 3-D animation, the documentary weaves history and science together to follow excavations by archeologists Yoram Haimi of Israel, Wojtek Mazurek of Poland, and Ivar Schute of the Netherlands to unearth evidence of the Nazi cover-up.  Viewers see discoveries as they are made.

Haimi, Mazurek and Schute have a personal stake in unraveling this Nazi deception.  Haimi wants to find out what happened to his Moroccan uncles when they vanished from Nazi-occupied Paris in 1943.  He identified a trail of Nazi records leading him from Paris to the remote forest at Sobibor where they were killed.  For Mazurek, Sobibor is hidden Polish history, which must be exposed and remembered.  And for Shute, it is a matter of revealing an untold story of 34,000 of his country’s citizens murdered at Sobibor.

The team uncovers clues at Sobibor in Poland, Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Israel, Memorial de la Shoah in Paris, the National Archives in Washington, and Frankfurt, Germany.

Season after season, the archeology team unearths proof of the Nazi cover-up.  They've found remains of barracks, mass graves, gas chambers and thousands of artifacts – bullets, teeth, keys, glasses, hair pins, wedding rings, Judaic stars, and prayer pendants, and thousands of artifacts.  The most stunning discoveries are metal name tags of Sobibor victims…mostly belonging to children.

Coded telegrams, hand-drawn maps, Luftwaffe aerial photos, and eyewitness testimony by Sobibor survivor Philip Bialowitz corroborate the findings.

The story comes to a dramatic end after the discovery of a nameless birthdate pendant launches an international search for relatives.  Yad Vashem Museum identifies its owner, 14-year-old Karolina Cohn of Frankfurt — and an amateur genealogist brings together 35 relatives to commemorate the cousin they never knew existed.

The film is narrated by acclaimed actress Tovah Feldshuh.

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